DK konsult

Ordering Of A Særlig "Sundhedskort"

The special health card entitles you to healthcare in Denmark, even if you do not live here

What is Særlig “Sundhedskort”?

The Danish health care system offers a special health card to those who are not registered with the Danish population register. The card provides access to health care services on the same terms as Danish citizens. Whenever you visit a doctor, the pharmacy, the hospital, or any other healthcare facility, it is important to have the card with you.

When you plan to reside in Denmark for an extended period, you will receive a yellow health card after registering for a national registered office in your municipality.

It is essential to note that the special health card is valid for a maximum of two years. If you are posted to Denmark for a shorter duration, the card may also expire earlier, for example, after 15 months.

Price: 499,-

Incl. moms

10 - 15 min.

In real time

Save 1.500,-

From average market price

Who is entitled to the special health card?

You can get the special health card if you do not live in Denmark, but are socially secured in Denmark.

As a rule, you are Danish socially insured if you:

  • works in Denmark and lives in another EU / EEA country or Switzerland
  • is posted by a Danish employer to work in another EU / EEA country or Switzerland
  • receives Danish early retirement
  • is an EU contract employee and has chosen to be covered by Danish social security
  • is employed on a ship flying the Danish flag
  • is a family member of one of the above and is not socially secured in your country of residence.

Note, if the family member works in Denmark but lives in another EU / EEA country, you cannot obtain the special health card.

If you temporarily live in an EU / EEA country or Switzerland

You can also get the special health card if you only temporarily, ie. for a maximum of 1 year, must stay outside Denmark, and you have been unsubscribed from the Danish National Register during the period. This can be for example in connection with study stays, internships, family visits, or if you have to be an au pair or volunteer.

If you live in Denmark without being registered with the National Register

If you stay in Denmark without being registered with the Danish National Register, you may also in some cases be entitled to the special health card.

To clarify whether you are covered by Danish social security, you must disclose your current situation when applying for a special health card.

What does it cover?

The special health card offers non-Danish residents the opportunity to access the Danish health care system with the same advantages as Danish citizens. Although some healthcare may require payment on the patient’s part, this also applies to Danish citizens. For those wondering how to obtain health insurance in their home country, applying for a special health card provides that coverage. The health insurance benefits will adhere to the country’s rules, under the same conditions as the citizens of the country of residence. Once Payment Denmark receives notification that you are secured by health insurance in your country of residence, they will take care of the expense directly. If Payment Denmark is unaware of your coverage, you will receive form S1 and be required to submit it to your local health insurance office. By doing so, you will be registered as a member of the country of residence’s public health insurance, with expenses paid for by Denmark.


What documents do I need to get the card?

When you apply for the special health card, you may be asked for documentation.

For example, the documentation may be:

  • your employment contract if you are to work in Denmark
  • documentation of your broadcast if you have been posted from or to Denmark
  • certificate U2 if you receive unemployment benefit
  • The EU health insurance form E 106 if you are posted to work in Denmark
  • your decision on social security / Certificate A1


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