DK konsult

Meeting With Kid(s) Agreement

With a social agreement, you create a firm and safe environment for you and your children in a time that is often difficult. The meeting agreement also allows you to get help from the authorities if the agreed framework is not complied with.

What does it mean to have Meeting With Kid(s) Agreement?

With agreement as parents, you can create a firm and safe environment for your children if you have agreed to break apart. When spouses or unmarried cohabitants choose to be divorced or abrogated, the child is still entitled to both parents. Here the parents have a shared responsibility for the child having good contact with both of them.

When parents break apart, a distinction is made between the parent with whom the child has a national register address with the ( residence parent ) and the other parent ( socialising parent ). If you have a so-called subsystem, where the child spends just as much time with both parents, there is still one of you who will be a residence parent and the other cohabiting parent. You can read more about sharing scheme further down. 

The very extent of being together, you basically agree yourself. There are no rules on how and how much your child can or should have with the parent. It is up to you to assess what is best for your child. If family law House must determine the togetherness, it is based on a concrete assessment of the child’s relationship.

Parental responsibility and socialising immediately have nothing to do with each other. A parent with full custody of the child can easily be a parent and not a parent of residence.

If you, as parents, can find a common agreement on socialising, you can make a written agreement through the DKkonsult. Your agreement is as binding as Family law house agreement.

Price: 999,-

Incl. moms

10 - 15 min.

In real time

Save 1.500,-

From average market price

Why should we make a socialising agreement?

With a socialising agreement, you as parents can decide exactly when you should each have contact with your child. You can also decide how vacations and holidays should be distributed among you. 

The social agreement also addresses more low-cost conditions, such as transport and costs associated with socialising. In addition, when you have made a social agreement, it will be possible for you as a parent to obtain assistance from family law if the agreements are not complied with. In this way, you are assured that the agreements are enforced in practice.

The socialising agreement thus not only provides security for you as parents, but equally to your child’s safety, as it reduces disagreement about the practicalities of being with your child and gives the child some more firm framework.


The child in the focus

Intercourse agreements are often drawn up in connection with the parents falling apart, and therefore there are often many emotions involved. However, it is important to keep in mind that the socialising agreement should focus on the child’s interests. It is therefore the child’s need that should be the focus, and not the parents’, when choosing how to shape the socialising agreement.


Who can use a socialising agreement?

This socialising agreement can be used by parents who cancel their cohabitation, are separated or divorced and have children together. It is important that there is agreement on how the togetherness should be designed and implemented.


Sharing system

When talking about one subsystem, that is, the child spends just as much time with both parents. Someone uses one 7/7 scheme, but it can in principle also be a 3/3 scheme, a 14/14 scheme or something completely third. The sharing scheme simply indicates that the parents share the relationship with the child equally.

A sharing scheme usually assumes that the parents live close to each other and that they have good cooperation so that the child’s daily life and general well-being are not affected by, which parent they are staying with. If there is doubt or if you cannot agree on what is best for your child, you can get help from family law House.


The agreement is binding

You should be aware that a social agreement, like other legal agreements, is binding. It is possible for the Family Law House to change an existing agreement if it is for the best of the child, but this happens very rarely and is a very cumbersome process. So the agreement is usually not changed unless you both agree on the changes. Therefore, it is important that you make an agreement that can be valid in the long term.

You always have the opportunity to agree on something other than what is stated in the agreement – if you agree. If a derogation from the agreement cannot be reached, the provisions of the agreement will always apply.


How do we make the agreement valid?

Once you have completed the form and paid for the access agreement, you will immediately have access to the document. After that, it must be signed by both parents with each of your NemID/MitID. The agreement will then be valid and thus there is no requirement for registration, knowledge of witnesses, legal assistance.


Get started today by pressing ‘ Order Meeting With Kid(s) Agreement now ’ below.