DK konsult

Lease Contract

It is important to have a lease if you are to rent a home or room – for both the landlord and the tenant. With DKkonsult you can make a lease that meets the requirements of the law and takes into account all the important terms, should be taken into account in the rental of residential real estate.

What is a lease?

Lease is, in short, an agreement between the landlord and the tenant who regulates what should apply to the rental of the home or the room. The content of the lease is determined by the Lease Act and in many cases cannot be waived, as the terms are intended to protect the tenant. A lease contains the essential terms and conditions for the tenant’s use of the lease. It thus describes the various rights and obligations that the tenant and the landlord respectively have in connection with the rental relationship.

The public has created a form for use standard lease, but this form contains only the overall conditions such as the size of the lease, the rent and the like. If you, as a landlord, want to add additional terms, such as that the lease is limited in time, that the lease must not be smoked or that the tenant may not paint the lease in other colors, the landlord must formulate and describe this in separate terms. You can read more about separate terms further down in the text.

Price: 899,-

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What is the difference between a lease and a sublease?

There is often confusion about the difference between one lease and one sublease contract. A lease is a contract concluded between the owner of the real estate such as an apartment and the ( n ) person ( is ) who is to rent the apartment for a fee. A lease is a contract between a tenant and a landlord. It is therefore not the owner, but the tenant who rents ( sublets ) the lease to a new tenant.


Why do you have to make a lease contract?

If you want to rent out a whole or part of a property you own, it is important to get a proper lease contract made. Whether it is a lease for room or full accommodation.

With a lease contract you protect your rights both as a landlord and tenant. It is therefore a good idea to make a contract, even if you are renting out a family member, friend or similar. This allows you to avoid any misunderstandings or discrepancies regarding the rental.

Get started today by pressing ‘ Order Lease Contract now ’ below.